Schwarz & Schwarz is the go-to law firm for individuals wrongfully injured as a result of airport accidents caused by unsafe contractors, manufacturers, and commercial vehicle operators across the United States. With decades of experience working with International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers’ members, our attorneys have delivered exceptional results for airline workers.
The attorneys at Schwarz & Schwarz have developed a precise understanding of airport workplace environments, mechanical designs, and machinery work. Schwarz & Schwarz carefully sorts through each case to find the at-fault party and build a compelling case. It’s how we are able to deliver fair compensation, even in complicated cases, where other attorneys may fail.
It’s why Schwarz & Schwarz is recognized by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers on a local, state, and district level for our service protecting airline workers and machinists throughout the United States.
Schwarz & Schwarz serves as counsel to IAM Local 1776, the Pennsylvania State Machinists Council as well as advisory safety counsel to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) District 141 and District 1.
Airline workers have crucial jobs. The challenging work that these men and women do puts them at greater risk of injury than most. Over the last three decades, the attorneys at Schwarz & Schwarz have developed specific expertise in airline accidents and a record of achieving justice for clients.
Schwarz & Schwarz has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of airline workers across the country.
Our attorneys have successfully litigated matters involving unsafe airline equipment, contractors, and machinery vendors, including:
- Baggage carts
- Belt loaders
- K loaders
- Baggage tugs
- Belt systems
- Jetways
- Loading docks
- Many other types of dangerous and hazardous conditions at U.S. airports
Airline belt loaders that have not been properly maintained for safety issues – such as improper railings, improper guarding, pinch point areas, and improper step height and treads – may result in tragic injuries to airline workers. The attorneys at Schwarz & Schwarz represent airline workers who have sustained significant injuries caused by airline belt loaders. Schwarz & Schwarz has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of these and other airline workers across the country.
With a thorough understanding of the nuances of belt loaders, job functions, and airport work environments, Schwarz & Schwarz pursues justice for clients who have suffered due to an airline belt loader accident.
Baggage tugs can expose airline workers to all of the dangers of operating a motor vehicle, without many of the crucial and required safety features of standard motor vehicles. These unsafe conditions often result in injuries. Schwarz & Schwarz has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of these and other airline workers across the country.
Schwarz & Schwarz knows about the worksites, processes, and parts that airline workers deal with when operating and working with baggage tugs. It’s how our attorneys have been able to obtain successful outcomes and results for clients.
Baggage carts that have not been properly maintained pose safety issues, including dangerous and hazardous baggage cart tongues, netting, and tires. These may expose airline workers to life-altering injuries. The attorneys at Schwarz & Schwarz have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of airline worker clients across the country who have sustained significant injuries caused by airline baggage carts. By understanding the functionality of baggage carts and airline workers’ job functions, the attorneys at Schwarz & Schwarz achieve results for clients who have suffered airline baggage cart accidents.
When commercial trucks, fuel tankers, fuel trucks, transit buses, and other commercial vehicles are negligently or recklessly operated on the ramp, airline workers may suffer injuries. Schwarz & Schwarz attorneys represent clients throughout the country who have sustained these significant injuries, due to dangerous, hazardous, and unsafe conduct of commercial motor vehicle operators on the ramp. Schwarz & Schwarz has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of these and other airline workers.
With decades of experience representing clients in these cases, the attorneys at Schwarz & Schwarz successfully litigate many cases involving commercial vehicle accidents on the ramp.

Schwarz & Schwarz began representing airline workers more than two decades ago when several airline fleet service workers sustained amputations and crush injuries to their hands while hooking airline baggage carts to airline baggage tugs. Schwarz & Schwarz’s thorough investigation of the airline equipment revealed that repetitive ride-through injuries of the hand were caused by an unsafe baggage cart design. This resulted in substantial financial recoveries for airline workers in Philadelphia and across the United States.
Through our continued involvement and focus on airline worker safety, Schwarz & Schwarz has identified additional dangerous, defective, and unsafe airline equipment, contractors, and conditions – created by third-parties – that place workers at an increased risk for injury. These dangerous and defective conditions include unsafe baggage carts, belt loaders, belt systems, K loaders, jetways, loading docks, and other types of equipment, as well as unsafe contractors and vendors, found at airports across the United States.
Schwarz & Schwarz is recognized by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers on a local, state and district level for our service protecting airline workers and machinists throughout the United States. Our attorneys employ a deep understanding of the nuances of the work environments, worksites, processes and parts in support of airline workers. Our experience representing airport workers, baggage handlers and union members enables us to provide our clients with fair outcomes when wrongfully injured by another’s negligence.